Future Digital Health

and the impact of data.

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On May 6, 2021, the hospital network CUROZ (A.S.Z, OLV Hospital, AZ Sint-Maria and UZ Brussel), City of Aalst, In4care & I ~ HD will organize an online event with the theme of the digitization of healthcare in Belgium.

During this event we will explore the possibilities and future of mobile health in healthcare. We want to facilitate the sharing of knowledge between Belgian and European healthcare providers, scientists, entrepreneurs and policymakers.

Op 6 mei 2021 organiseren het ziekenhuisnetwerk CUROZ (A.S.Z, OLV Ziekenhuis, AZ Sint-Maria en UZ Brussel), Stad Aalst, In4care & I~HD een online event met als thema de digitalisering van de gezondheidszorg in België. 

Tijdens dit event zullen we de mogelijkheden en toekomst van mobile health in de gezondheidszorg  exploreren. We willen hierbij de kennisdeling en kruisbestuiving tussen Belgische en Europese zorgverstrekkers, wetenschappers, ondernemers en beleidsmakers faciliteren.


>>> Tip! Check-out the parallel sessions of  I-HD (13u45) & MSD (12u45) at the bottom of this page.

 10u.00 Welcome & live music by Absynthe Mindedall star band of Belgian singer-songwriter Bert Ostyn
Get Inspired session: Moderated by Prof. Dr.  Marc Noppen, CEO University hospital UZ Brussel

10u15 #getinspired by Dr. Rafael Grosmann,
       Surgeon, Educator, Patient Advocate, Healthcare Futurist

10u45 #getinspired by Lucien Engelen, 
    CEO Transform.Health. Strategist health(care) innovation Deloitte and Erasmus University Medical Center

11u15 #getinspired by Bertalan Mesko
    Medical Futurist analyzing how science fiction technologies can become a reality in healthcare.

11u45 Conclusions by Dipak Kalra,
    President at The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data

12u00 BREAK – Virtual fair & Networking + Live music by DJ Cnudde

Get Connected session: Moderated by Frank Staelens (CUROZ OLV Hospital Aalst) & Geert Thienpont (I-HD)

13u00 #getconnected by  Steven Vandeput, Advisor extramuros & digital health beMedTech 
          mHealthBelgium: a joint initiative for digital health by government and industry

13u20 #getconnected by Marleen Louagie,  Head of medical directorate, healthcare department RIZIV-INAMI

13u40 #getconnected CASE 1  powered by Oncomfort
        Digital therapeutics moving into standard of care – the Oncomfort case

13u55 #getconnected CASE 2 powered by Blyott
        From asset tracking to remote montoring

14u10 #getconnected CASE 3 powered by I-HD
        A medication app for travelling patients: Customer expectations

14u25 #getconnected CASE 4 powered by Comarch
        Digitizing the patient's journey: from hospital to home

14u40 #getconnected CASE 5 powered by OLV Aalst

14u55 #getconnected CASE 6 powered by Siemens Healthineers: 
        Remote Patient Care: connecting patients and healthcare providers
15u10 #getconnected CASE 7 powered by Roche
        Leveraging data to shift focus towards Virtual and Personalized Healthcare

15u25 BREAK – Virtual fair & networking

Get it done session: Moderated by Robin Vissenaekens, reporter VRT, expert digital.

15u45 Panel discussion with:

*Brieuc Van DammeDirector-General Healthcare at RIZIV-INAMI

*Pieter Vandervoort, Cardiologist at Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL)

*Margot Cloet, Managing director Zorgnet-Icuro

*Saskia Van Uffelen, Digital  Champion of Belgium at the EU

*Valerie Storms, mucoviscidose & diabetes patient & patient engagement manager at Roche

*Frank Robben,  Administrateur-generaal van de Kruispuntbank van de Sociale Zekerheid en van het eHealth-platform

17u00 Closing


12u15 - 12u45: How to unlock the potential of remote patient follow-up: Digital Health Monitoring in Belgium 

Olivier Fouret, Executive Business Unit Director Oncology, Belgium & Luxembourg, MSD and 

Azèle Mathieu, Innovation Lead, Associated Director, MSD 

Session powered by MSD


13u45 - 15u15:  Are we aware how much we can learn from health data gained via mobile apps? Assuring trust in the re-use of mobile health-data now, to enhance tomorrow’s healthcare! 

Session powered by The European Insitute for Innovation Through Health Data (I-HD)

 >>> Meer info over deze sessie: Klik hier >>>

Participation is free. Registration is required (see top of this page). This is an ONLINE event (HOPIN)

Deelname is gratis. Inschrijven is noodzakelijk (zie bovenaan deze pagina). Dit is een ONLINE event (HOPIN)  

Datum & Tijd

6 mei 2021

09:30 16:30 Europe/Brussels


Krijg het adres

In4care vzw

+32 470 12 27 37

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